1909 - 1936 ; from expressionism to resistance ; the Marvin and Janet Fishman collection ; [published in conjunction with the Exhibition from Expressionism to Resistance: Art in Germany 1909 - 1936, the Marvin and Janet Fishman Collection, organized by the Milwaukee Art Museum and shown there from 6 December 1990 to 3 February 1991 ...]
Exhibition From Expressionism to Resistance, Art in Germany 1909 - 1936 - The Marvin and Janet Fishman Collection <1990 - 1992, Milwaukee, Wis. u.a.>
[first published on the occasion of the Exhibition "Gabriele Münter: the Years of Expressionism, 1903 - 1920" held at the following venues: Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 5 December 1997 - 1 March 1998 ; Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio, 18 April - 21 June 1998 ; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia, 13 July - 20 September 1998 ; Maron Koogler McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, Texas, 3 November 1998 - 3 January 1999]
Heller, Reinhold ; Exhibition Gabriele Münter: The Years of Expressionism, 1903 - 1920 <1997 - 1999, Milwaukee, Wis. u.a.> ; Milwaukee Art Museum
Kunst in Deutschland 1909 - 1936 ; die Sammlung Marvin und Janet Fishman ; [anläßlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung in der Schirn-Kunsthalle in Frankfurt/Main vom 22. Juni - 18. August 1991 und in der Kunsthalle in Emden/Stiftung Henri Nannen, vom 25. August - 27. Oktober 1991]
Heller, Reinhold (Hrsg.) ; Schirn-Kunsthalle Frankfurt