Numerical reconstruction of curves from their Jacobians / Daniele Agostini, Turkü Ozlüm Çelik, and Demir Eken -- A strategy to optimize the complexity of Chudnovsky-type algorithms over the projective line / Stéphane Ballet, Alexis Bonnecaze, and Bastien Pacifico -- On the constant D(q) defined by Homma / Peter Beelen, Maria Montanucci, and Lara Vicino -- How big is the image of the Galois representations attached to CM elliptic curves? / Francesco Campagna and Riccardo Pengo -- Multiradical isogenies / Wouter Castryck and Thomas Decru -- Arithmetic monodromy groups of dynamical Belyi maps / Özlem Ejder -- Automorphisms and isogeny graphs of abelian varieties, with applications to the superspecial Richelot isogeny graph / Enric Florit and Benjamin Smith -- Frobenius structures on hypergeometric equations / Kiran Kedlaya -- The regulator dominates the rank / Fabien Pazuki -- Introducton to Drinfeld modules / Bjorn Poonen.